Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Night Night Feb. 25, 2009

Hi! Well, today was great, actually! We got a walk. The van was in the driveway, so I was a little freaked out that I was going to the vet, and I didn't wanna move. But Sharanda showed me it was ok. It was nice outside, and that's it. Time for bed. G'night!

Hola! (I think that's Italian for hello...) Well today we got a walk! It was real nice outside, and fun. I saw the van in the driveway and got really excited! So excited, that when Sharanda went inside to get me water I climbed up the seat and lay down! It was just SO much more comfortable than the smelly old grass! But I had to get down. :o( Then some stupid loud thing sucked up everything and scared me! I still wanted to go in though! Then I got in again later, but I got in trouble and had to go. It was fun while it lasted! So dark...can't see anyfjdskmore. gsjklfjByejl.

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