Friday, February 13, 2009

February 7, 2009

Hey! I’m back to blogging! Today was so much fun! Well I thought that we were going on a normal walk, but we weren’t! Well I got real excited when we got in the car cause I figured we were going back to that really fun place with the big hill so I sat by the door the whole way there! However, we didn’t go there. Well we walked up a big enough hill, with a path. Then there was some big statue thingy that was pretty cool. Then we got to some thing that Sharanda and Dad called a fountain! It wasn’t all watery like I’ve seen in dog movies though; it was icy like what happens in the yard when it snows! We ran around the frozen fountain a few times and I walked up the ice hill. We took a few pictures, and had lots of fun. Then we walked by a dog. I could sense from the second I saw him/her (I don’t know! I was only there for like five seconds!) And we sniffed noses, (as I always do with strangers.) but it snapped at me! Sharanda jumped and we left that dog! Then we left. Well, my day was very productive.

Hello all! Today we went to a frozen fountain! We went up a pretty good sized- hill, then there was a statue. I tried to climb up the steps, but they were too thin for me to get up to. Then we went to the fountain, and Sharanda and I were both too freaked out to go onto the ice! I drank water, but it tasted like soggy kibble! It was so nasty! Well we took good pictures, and ran around in circles. Oh! I forgot to mention a new friend! We were just walking up the path, and there was a really nice doggie! It looked like a hot girl to me…but the lady was saying “he,” so I don’t know! Uh-Oh! I seriously hope it was a girl! Well, we sniffed noses and said good-bye. Whoever it was, I liked them! Well, that was my day. Very nice. I’ll blog later! Bye!

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