Friday, February 13, 2009

First Day by S'mores 2006

Hi, I’m S’mores. And I’m Smoky. S’mores is my brother. This is my part of the story of how we became part of the Evans family. One night, in February, our real dog mommy told us that this would be our last day together. So did Judy. The woman who owned our mommy and our other four siblings. In addition, that tomorrow they would come to get us. Did she mean take us to the pound? Doggie sit us? I asked her, we didn’t have great connection, though. Smoky and I went to Mommy to see what Judy meant by “Come and get us”. “Ruff Ruff, Woof woof ruff hoooooooowl!” They would take us to their house and keep us! Forever! I still did not get it. Smoky did, ‘cause he’s smart. I didn’t get it though. I cried to Mommy and drank from her until bedtime. I had an idea. I would get Brudder, and we would go in the woods! I can’t remember how, but Smoky and I faked we had to…you know, “wee”. To Mommy. We went outside, and nobody noticed we were gone! I thought at least. It was all snowy, and cold. I have to admit. Me and Smoky love each other. Sure, we fight, we still love each other. Awwwww! Thanks bro! Shut up! Ok. I love you too! Geze laweeze! As I was saying, we cuddled up and fell asleep. When we woke up, I forgot about leaving. Smoky didn’t though. He said “We should go back to say good bye to Mommy and Judy and everyone else. Plus, she would’ve eventually found us.” Yeah. That was fun though. “I agree.” We went home, and Judy was apparently very worried. Because 1.she loved us. And we had to leave that day. So, Judy gave us a bath and said her goodbyes. Then, the Johnsons came. The two daughters thought they had just went there for a business meeting! HA! They thought It was a coincidence that we were there! So their dad told them to pick us up and play with them. They still didn’t get it! I was hoping they never would. Then he told them they would take us home. We got in the car, and drove home. TO BE CONTINUED…

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