Friday, February 13, 2009

July 9, 2006

S’mores-Today was ok. Sharanda did not get to come see us this morning because she woke up too late and had to go to church. Then they ate out. After that, Sharanda came right out to see us. Smoky and I both came out of the doghouse to greet her. We didn’t jump on her, she is super happy about that. I can’t remember if it was the first time or second time when Sharanda came out, she had noticed we took the thing to cover up these wires off, and chewed up the wires. She called us “Bad boys”! She said something about a sprinkler connected to that. It’s the thing, that would turn on and make water come out to cool us down. That’s all that we did bad today. We had a couple good games of tug of war. It was an awesome day!

Smoky-Today was cool. Sharanda did not come to see us first thing in the morning like usual. The other girl didn’t either. I don’t think she will tomorrow, or the next day, or even next month. At least we have Sharanda and her dad. Well, Sharanda found another mouse today! She said that was 11 dead mice so far. She hates them! I cannot see why. Her mom hates to talk about them! They just don’t understand. At about 1:00 Sharanda came out to see us. I dunno where she went, like Brudder did. He is updated on where she went when she went where. He really does love her. Me too, I knew Mom and the other girl first though. Therefore, I don’t know her as well as Brudder does. Later today, they found out we jacked up the sprinkler system. We ripped off something, and chewed some stuff. I guess we’re “Naughty,” According to Sharanda. Today, S’mores decided to test me, so we had a few play fights. Today was still a good day!

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