Friday, February 13, 2009

First Day by Smoky 2006

Hi, it’s me, S’mores! In our last story, I told how we got lost in the woods, and the Johnsons were coming over to get us. I think I stopped at the part where we were driving home. Ok, now it is Smoky’s turn to tell the story. Let me get him. Smoky! Your turn to tell the story! Smoky? Smoky are you here? Now you can interrupt! Hi! Ok, great. Go narrarator!
Ok, I suppose S’mores left off where we were driving home, right? Yes he did. Ok. It took them some work to get us into the car. We were not very comfortable yet. Judy was pretty much, crying, and Mommy was watching us go. That was the saddest day of my life. There was a girl who could not take me, so their mom did. The other girl does not ever see me anymore. I forgot who she was. She doesn’t like the outside. I was in her mom's lap and S’mores was in Sharanda's lap. I was kind of excited. S’mores tried to bite them though. It was exciting and scary. No more siblings to pick on me. Only one, but that is better than five! Well, the car stopped after a while and they let us go in the snow to pee. When we did get to their house, we lived in the garage for about a month. We would run around free outside without a fence, and it rocked! Then people kept coming to there house. To see US! We were obviously VERY cute! Well, S’mores got to talk the longest. Ha ha! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr…… Now we have a fence, a doghouse, a nice leash, a metal pin to sometimes lock us up in, a big feeder and big water thing, and a nice forest to pee and poop in. It reminds me of the night we got lost in the woods. Moreover, Mommy, and Judy, and my siblings. I do not really remember them, that’s good so I’m not that sad. Now I am a strong well-trained puppy who might go into pro dog training! WHAT! Nobody ever told me anything! I’m gonna….. Well that is the story gotta go. S’mores! No don’t……….!!!!!!!!!!!

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