Friday, February 13, 2009

January 28, 2009

I’m back, with my dog blog! Ok, nothing very exciting has happened in…well what…three days? It snowed yesterday, and today we got a walk! Smoky first as usual, that big baby! If he doesn’t go first, he howls like there’s no tomorrow. I only howl for about two to three minutes. Well anyway, I got a walk. It was very nice. And a belly rub! Very nice also. Although, Sharanda is CONSTANTLY talking about these three boys…the….oh man what is it? Ah! The Jonas Brothers! “Oh, Nick is just so cute! So are Kevin and Joe! They are amazing! I’ll be sure to tell you when I go to their concert this year!” Its like, ok I understand! Man, if I could EVER speak English, I would tell her three things: first, I love her. Second, I’d like a bigger yard. Last, to PLEASE QUIT TELLING ME ABOUT THESE GUYS! Come on, it’s not as if they’re famous or anything. Pshhhhh… Well, that’s all I have to say. I’ll go get Brudder. Time for bed anyway!

Here I am, Super Smoky! As I’m quite sure Brudder has already said, nothing too exciting has happened in the last two days. Well it is cold, and it’s the only week that it’s been like freezing that Sharanda has not walked us. Nevertheless, today was our first walk of the week! It felt just SO good to get out! I got my own personal pet time and time to lie down and be loved. Ah, so nice. I’m also sure that if Sharanda tells Brudder and me the same stuff, he mentioned, Mr. Joe, Kevin, and Nick Hottie Jonas. That’s what Sharanda says. She said they’re really famous. Woopdeedoodledoo. Well, that is all she has said that is somewhat interesting, and that is all that’s happened. No Hank today. :o( It’s really dark and really cold. Gotta go in the dog house!

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