Friday, February 13, 2009

July 15, 2006

S'mores -Lastnight, we killed a possum! Or, we thought we did at least. It was in the woods, so we barked at it. Sharanda was very, very, very, very worried about us! It came underneath our fence, and hissed at us! So, we brought it into the yard, and tried to eat it. I left it alone after that. Then, it woke up! I was scared to death, I could’ve died. It hissed, and I barked at it. Later, it escaped! I was so depressed. My first possum, and it escaped!

Smoky -Lastnight, we hurt a possum! There was something on the other side of the fence, so we barked at it. And it hissed and tried to grab me! I was squealing and barking at it. Mom came out. She told Sharanda and her friends we killed something. Then, S’mores tried to eat it. He is a brave big Brudder! I was scared, so I didn’t do anything. When S’mores tried to sleep, it woke up! The possum did! It must have been playing possum with us. When Sharanda would turn on the light, it would stare at her. S’mores barked at it, and it sat there. But luckily, it escaped. I am glad!

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