Friday, February 13, 2009

January 26, 2009

Hi everyone! We speak once again! Well, I had a VERY exciting day yesterday! At first, nobody came out. We didn’t know what to do. We wondered if we would be walked, or played with, or just fed again. We hadn’t been played with the day before, something about a two-hour drive. Well, later that day, I had to go in the car! Can you believe it? The stupid dumb retarded loud noisy obnoxious car! Well, I pulled as hard as I could, but they lured me in with a scrumptious looking pizza treat. That was yummy. Well I sat in there, thinking I was going to the vet. Oh no, I thought. More shots, great! Dumb cats walking everywhere, and there was way too many doctors. Well, instantly I realized we weren’t going to the vet. I realized it when we passed it. Good job idiot. RUFF! HUSH IT BOY! Well, we stopped. Finally! It took long enough! Then we got out. Oh, this looks awesome! I whimpered to myself. There was a huge hill, then a fence, with a running track. We went inside the fence, and as soon as I was off the leash, I instantly bolted around the entire track. I know, right? Sharanda kept saying she couldn’t even believe how fast I ran. There were just SO many good spots to sniff! Moreover, pee! I peed on every corner of that shack, every goalpost, and every corner of that fence I tell you. Good peein’. Somewhere along the way, I managed to poop. Well as I was peeing on a part of the fence, I smelled a great nice dumpster! So again, I bolted. Instantly Sharanda ran after me! What?!?! Why? I was wondering. I still do not know. I mean, I wasn’t going to run away or anything. I would have come back………a few hours later. So what! Well I got to the top of the hill, ran to a pole, and let out the last of my pee. I guess that was good considering I let her catch me. I was tired of running and definitely did not want to get in trouble. She was REALLY winded! I mean, it wasn’t such a big hill! Oh well. Then I rolled over and got a nice belly rub. Then we went home. Ahhh, happy days! Well, go for it Brudder. My paw is cramping up!

Gosh, did you take long enough? Just write! Ok, whatever! Well, it took quite a while, but Sharanda did come out with a leash. I thought it was going to be just another normal walk. But guess what? I was wrong! Really? No joke! SHUT UP! DO NOT MAKE ME BITE YOU AGAIN! Anyhoo, I went in the car. I was being called a “Good boy” for going in so willingly I guess. It was such a nice ride. Well the whole way there, either Dad was driving really fast or I couldn’t keep my balance, but I kept falling over! Sharanda would laugh and help me up. It didn’t hurt. I am excessively tough for that. Well, we finally got there! It was like, fifteen minutes of falling off the seat! Well when we got there, it was AMAZING! There was so much nice grass, even though I’m sure the humans were feeling a bit chilly, I felt perfectly fine! Well there was a fence with one or two openings. As I said in an earlier blog, I know how to stay and come. Therefore, Sharanda practiced with me, and I came every time. That called for many treats! Did I mention I can go in and out of people’s legs? Well, I can! Anyway, they ran the track with me, and petted me for a little bit. Then, came the glory. Are you ready? Drum roll please! THE BALL! IN ADDITION, LATER, THE FRISBEE! I was so excited! I guess since the backyard is pretty small and Brudder constantly barks while I play fetch, they wanted me to have some real fun! Well, Sharanda and I played tug-of-war for a little, and then Dad and I played fetch. Then, Frisbee! I only caught one, because it was just so darn windy, the Frisbee blew the wrong way! I ended up ripping it up, FYI. Well, afterwards, I got to chillax. I also had slobber on my face! And I started foaming at the mouth! I could not wait for some nice tasty freezing water! When I got in the car, Sharanda was CONSTANTLY taking pictures of us! I guess I am just so cute. Well, we will write again, when we have time for the dog blog. LATA GANGSTAS! PEACE OUT HOME DAWGS!

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