Friday, February 13, 2009

January 3, 2007

S’mores - Wow! I haven’t written in this in about a year!!! Well, here is the update on things. Watch out, this could be a novel. Well, everyday Sharanda comes out to play with us. First, she plays with me, and then she goes over and plays with Brudder, after we’re done running across the yard with our tug-of-war toys of course. Now, it’s a new year, and I, unlike some dogs, Hey! I am reading this you know! Are you calling me stupid? Well, DITTO! Have made a New Years Resolution!!!! It is to be as sweet as I can be, and to not be considered as a “Bad Boy” this year. So it's aiight. It’s what? Aiight? Oh, I get it. You’re TRYING to be cool, but not succeeding!!!! That is usually what tough dogs say, S'mores. Not you! Yeah, um YOU CAN SAY THAT LATER. Well, we have a GREAT life, and I have a lot of fun hunting for stupid little hopeless animals that have no self-defense all in a backyard! Although, that possum was somewhat freaky. Well, better leave so my talkative and jumpy (according to Sharanda,) little brudder can talk. I hope to write again soon and not wait a whole another year!

Smoky- Finally, my turn. I haven’t written in a year either, because when Brudder is not writing, I’m not because I’m usually playing with him. On the other hand, killing something. Well, I really have nothing to say, except I DO love it when Sharanda comes out. Because she usually lets me go up on the table and pets me, and when her dad comes out, he throws sticks. Life. Is. Great!

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