Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 26, 2009

Well, there is nothing to say! We are bored puppies! Sharanda can't walk us because she must dance from like five to eight-fifteen is what she has said. Poor us! Well we'll make the best of it. We will roll around in mud. Fun!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Night Night Feb. 25, 2009

Hi! Well, today was great, actually! We got a walk. The van was in the driveway, so I was a little freaked out that I was going to the vet, and I didn't wanna move. But Sharanda showed me it was ok. It was nice outside, and that's it. Time for bed. G'night!

Hola! (I think that's Italian for hello...) Well today we got a walk! It was real nice outside, and fun. I saw the van in the driveway and got really excited! So excited, that when Sharanda went inside to get me water I climbed up the seat and lay down! It was just SO much more comfortable than the smelly old grass! But I had to get down. :o( Then some stupid loud thing sucked up everything and scared me! I still wanted to go in though! Then I got in again later, but I got in trouble and had to go. It was fun while it lasted! So dark...can't see anyfjdskmore. gsjklfjByejl.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009


Hey are you all? Well we have a good life! It's dinner time and it is better than ever! Well the title is I'll be telling you all about walks today! Well we doggies love walks. We get to pee, enjoy a different environment, and on some days when we ate too much kibble the day before, we poop. Today was our first walk in like four days! Sharanda said it was much much much too cold to walk. Today was great!

Hi! Today we got a walk! Now I love walks for various reasons: We get to pee. We get to poop. We get to visit the neighborhood dogs. Sometimes we get to meet nice old ladies. We get treats. We get to do tricks. Lastly, we get to sit out in the front yard and have private time with Sharanda! It is so nice!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

SmOrEs AnD sMoKy

Hello everyone! Incase you didn't know, the green font writing means we're talking together. Well we haven't gotten many walks and it's already Saturday. But it was because Sharanda was sick, so I guess that's ok. Yesterday was very nice out, so we got a nice long walk. I think today she will be doing a lot of moving around and jumping, yes, yes something called, dance. I don't know. I know I sure can't do it. We're both hoping to get a walk like right now or something...well there's a squirrel. Gotta go endanger its life.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


HI EVERYONE! Well, today I think it's some type of holiday again. Sharanda and her sister came outside and gave us LOTS of love and treats! They were shaped like the picture above. They were just SO good! I love cookies! And today Sharanda told us that we'd get more later and a walk. Bark later!

Back to the dog blog I am! Well today is something called, "Valentine's Day." It's where...Sharanda gives us lots of love and lots of heart shaped cookies! They were just amazingly GREAT! SO YUMMY! Then she told us that later we'd get more cookies! And a walk! We're so excited! Happy heart day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

February 7, 2009

Hey! I’m back to blogging! Today was so much fun! Well I thought that we were going on a normal walk, but we weren’t! Well I got real excited when we got in the car cause I figured we were going back to that really fun place with the big hill so I sat by the door the whole way there! However, we didn’t go there. Well we walked up a big enough hill, with a path. Then there was some big statue thingy that was pretty cool. Then we got to some thing that Sharanda and Dad called a fountain! It wasn’t all watery like I’ve seen in dog movies though; it was icy like what happens in the yard when it snows! We ran around the frozen fountain a few times and I walked up the ice hill. We took a few pictures, and had lots of fun. Then we walked by a dog. I could sense from the second I saw him/her (I don’t know! I was only there for like five seconds!) And we sniffed noses, (as I always do with strangers.) but it snapped at me! Sharanda jumped and we left that dog! Then we left. Well, my day was very productive.

Hello all! Today we went to a frozen fountain! We went up a pretty good sized- hill, then there was a statue. I tried to climb up the steps, but they were too thin for me to get up to. Then we went to the fountain, and Sharanda and I were both too freaked out to go onto the ice! I drank water, but it tasted like soggy kibble! It was so nasty! Well we took good pictures, and ran around in circles. Oh! I forgot to mention a new friend! We were just walking up the path, and there was a really nice doggie! It looked like a hot girl to me…but the lady was saying “he,” so I don’t know! Uh-Oh! I seriously hope it was a girl! Well, we sniffed noses and said good-bye. Whoever it was, I liked them! Well, that was my day. Very nice. I’ll blog later! Bye!

January 28, 2009

I’m back, with my dog blog! Ok, nothing very exciting has happened in…well what…three days? It snowed yesterday, and today we got a walk! Smoky first as usual, that big baby! If he doesn’t go first, he howls like there’s no tomorrow. I only howl for about two to three minutes. Well anyway, I got a walk. It was very nice. And a belly rub! Very nice also. Although, Sharanda is CONSTANTLY talking about these three boys…the….oh man what is it? Ah! The Jonas Brothers! “Oh, Nick is just so cute! So are Kevin and Joe! They are amazing! I’ll be sure to tell you when I go to their concert this year!” Its like, ok I understand! Man, if I could EVER speak English, I would tell her three things: first, I love her. Second, I’d like a bigger yard. Last, to PLEASE QUIT TELLING ME ABOUT THESE GUYS! Come on, it’s not as if they’re famous or anything. Pshhhhh… Well, that’s all I have to say. I’ll go get Brudder. Time for bed anyway!

Here I am, Super Smoky! As I’m quite sure Brudder has already said, nothing too exciting has happened in the last two days. Well it is cold, and it’s the only week that it’s been like freezing that Sharanda has not walked us. Nevertheless, today was our first walk of the week! It felt just SO good to get out! I got my own personal pet time and time to lie down and be loved. Ah, so nice. I’m also sure that if Sharanda tells Brudder and me the same stuff, he mentioned, Mr. Joe, Kevin, and Nick Hottie Jonas. That’s what Sharanda says. She said they’re really famous. Woopdeedoodledoo. Well, that is all she has said that is somewhat interesting, and that is all that’s happened. No Hank today. :o( It’s really dark and really cold. Gotta go in the dog house!

January 26, 2009

Hi everyone! We speak once again! Well, I had a VERY exciting day yesterday! At first, nobody came out. We didn’t know what to do. We wondered if we would be walked, or played with, or just fed again. We hadn’t been played with the day before, something about a two-hour drive. Well, later that day, I had to go in the car! Can you believe it? The stupid dumb retarded loud noisy obnoxious car! Well, I pulled as hard as I could, but they lured me in with a scrumptious looking pizza treat. That was yummy. Well I sat in there, thinking I was going to the vet. Oh no, I thought. More shots, great! Dumb cats walking everywhere, and there was way too many doctors. Well, instantly I realized we weren’t going to the vet. I realized it when we passed it. Good job idiot. RUFF! HUSH IT BOY! Well, we stopped. Finally! It took long enough! Then we got out. Oh, this looks awesome! I whimpered to myself. There was a huge hill, then a fence, with a running track. We went inside the fence, and as soon as I was off the leash, I instantly bolted around the entire track. I know, right? Sharanda kept saying she couldn’t even believe how fast I ran. There were just SO many good spots to sniff! Moreover, pee! I peed on every corner of that shack, every goalpost, and every corner of that fence I tell you. Good peein’. Somewhere along the way, I managed to poop. Well as I was peeing on a part of the fence, I smelled a great nice dumpster! So again, I bolted. Instantly Sharanda ran after me! What?!?! Why? I was wondering. I still do not know. I mean, I wasn’t going to run away or anything. I would have come back………a few hours later. So what! Well I got to the top of the hill, ran to a pole, and let out the last of my pee. I guess that was good considering I let her catch me. I was tired of running and definitely did not want to get in trouble. She was REALLY winded! I mean, it wasn’t such a big hill! Oh well. Then I rolled over and got a nice belly rub. Then we went home. Ahhh, happy days! Well, go for it Brudder. My paw is cramping up!

Gosh, did you take long enough? Just write! Ok, whatever! Well, it took quite a while, but Sharanda did come out with a leash. I thought it was going to be just another normal walk. But guess what? I was wrong! Really? No joke! SHUT UP! DO NOT MAKE ME BITE YOU AGAIN! Anyhoo, I went in the car. I was being called a “Good boy” for going in so willingly I guess. It was such a nice ride. Well the whole way there, either Dad was driving really fast or I couldn’t keep my balance, but I kept falling over! Sharanda would laugh and help me up. It didn’t hurt. I am excessively tough for that. Well, we finally got there! It was like, fifteen minutes of falling off the seat! Well when we got there, it was AMAZING! There was so much nice grass, even though I’m sure the humans were feeling a bit chilly, I felt perfectly fine! Well there was a fence with one or two openings. As I said in an earlier blog, I know how to stay and come. Therefore, Sharanda practiced with me, and I came every time. That called for many treats! Did I mention I can go in and out of people’s legs? Well, I can! Anyway, they ran the track with me, and petted me for a little bit. Then, came the glory. Are you ready? Drum roll please! THE BALL! IN ADDITION, LATER, THE FRISBEE! I was so excited! I guess since the backyard is pretty small and Brudder constantly barks while I play fetch, they wanted me to have some real fun! Well, Sharanda and I played tug-of-war for a little, and then Dad and I played fetch. Then, Frisbee! I only caught one, because it was just so darn windy, the Frisbee blew the wrong way! I ended up ripping it up, FYI. Well, afterwards, I got to chillax. I also had slobber on my face! And I started foaming at the mouth! I could not wait for some nice tasty freezing water! When I got in the car, Sharanda was CONSTANTLY taking pictures of us! I guess I am just so cute. Well, we will write again, when we have time for the dog blog. LATA GANGSTAS! PEACE OUT HOME DAWGS!

January 18, 2009

WOOF! WOOF! WOOF WOOF WOOF! Hey, people who actually decide to read this! Whoa! It is another new year! We were puppies in 2006 and now it’s…2009! Dog biscuits! Well we are very sorry for not writing…but A LOT has happened! Ok first, Sharanda has actually started walking us like everyday. She’s older, and comes out more. We only eat once a day now. That’s sort of a bummer but it’s good, I’m not getting fat! Brudder and I fight a lot more, he doesn’t need much attention. Well here’s how a day goes now that it’s been a few years: after school, we get walked. Smoky first. Then she switches us, I walk. It’s a darn good walk too! Ok! Then, I go on a long leash thingy and Sharanda wipes me, brushes me, and treats me. I do tricks now! I jump up when she says up, get down when she says off, can roll over, sit up when she says stand, and I can lie down. We’ve had it rough. Oh no, I might start crying. Just keep reading, whatever you do. We used to to to to not get walked. E-e-e-ever. No fun there. And I guess we were “uncontrollable” or something. I liked running and breaking leashes! Ah, the good days. Well she couldn’t control us so we weren’t ever walked. And we used to fight all the time. And much more. Now, Sharanda gets home from school, walks us, goes to dance, and every night around 7:30 feeds us. It’s soooo good. And I think my anger towards Smoky is getting better, now that she separates us. Well it started out rocky, but now we have a routine life. She loves us and we love her.

HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWL! Hello woof! This is Smoky, back on the writing biz. OKAY! I think S’mores covered that it is a new year now. AGAIN! Well, I am just soooo much happier. We were too crazy and not neutered, and even when we were, I guess Sharanda was just not strong enough or informed enough about dogs to control us. I heard that she now watches dog shows, and wants to be a vet when she grows up. Now she knows just how to handle us, and we get walked EVERY SINGLE DAY! Can you believe it? I KNOW! Well I always am walked first. We walk, and on that walk, Sharanda has a friend who lives in the neighborhood. Well her friend, has a basset hound named Hank! We met, and he lives behind an invisible fence. I got to run off the leash with him. We are bestest friends, and say hi all the time. We spent two or three hours together our first day. Ran around, and we were very tired after that. Now everyday, we say hi for a few minutes. Not as fun as being chased or chasing Hank, but it’s still good! Then we go up a hill, and sometimes there’s a nice girl dog named Avery. Sharanda met the guy who owns her I guess when, Avery ran after S’mores one day. So now, we sometimes get to say hello. Then we go back to the house and I get to be on a long leash. We do tricks! I can jump, get off, roll over, lie down, and stay. I can stay in two different ways. One way is Sharanda puts her hand to my face, walks away, and motions for me to come back. Another way is she says STAY very stern, walks away, then says COME stern also. I like that one. And yesterday she taught me how to weave in and out of her legs! It is my favorite so far. Then she wipes me, brushes me, and then, at last, pets me! She takes my paws and I lay down in her lap until it is time to go walk Brudder. It’s my favorite part of the day. Then at night when it’s all dark outside, we get fed. I love our new life!

January 3, 2007

S’mores - Wow! I haven’t written in this in about a year!!! Well, here is the update on things. Watch out, this could be a novel. Well, everyday Sharanda comes out to play with us. First, she plays with me, and then she goes over and plays with Brudder, after we’re done running across the yard with our tug-of-war toys of course. Now, it’s a new year, and I, unlike some dogs, Hey! I am reading this you know! Are you calling me stupid? Well, DITTO! Have made a New Years Resolution!!!! It is to be as sweet as I can be, and to not be considered as a “Bad Boy” this year. So it's aiight. It’s what? Aiight? Oh, I get it. You’re TRYING to be cool, but not succeeding!!!! That is usually what tough dogs say, S'mores. Not you! Yeah, um YOU CAN SAY THAT LATER. Well, we have a GREAT life, and I have a lot of fun hunting for stupid little hopeless animals that have no self-defense all in a backyard! Although, that possum was somewhat freaky. Well, better leave so my talkative and jumpy (according to Sharanda,) little brudder can talk. I hope to write again soon and not wait a whole another year!

Smoky- Finally, my turn. I haven’t written in a year either, because when Brudder is not writing, I’m not because I’m usually playing with him. On the other hand, killing something. Well, I really have nothing to say, except I DO love it when Sharanda comes out. Because she usually lets me go up on the table and pets me, and when her dad comes out, he throws sticks. Life. Is. Great!

August 1, 2006

S'mores - Hello. I need to write fast. Just a minute ago, I found an animal. Smoky now has it in his mouth, and I’m following him. Sharanda called the animal a turtle. Gotta go!

Smoky - Ok! Hello everyone. Here the 411. S’mores found a turtle in the woods, now I have it. It’s really neat. I need to go! S’mores, quit! Ouch! My underside!

July 15, 2006

S'mores -Lastnight, we killed a possum! Or, we thought we did at least. It was in the woods, so we barked at it. Sharanda was very, very, very, very worried about us! It came underneath our fence, and hissed at us! So, we brought it into the yard, and tried to eat it. I left it alone after that. Then, it woke up! I was scared to death, I could’ve died. It hissed, and I barked at it. Later, it escaped! I was so depressed. My first possum, and it escaped!

Smoky -Lastnight, we hurt a possum! There was something on the other side of the fence, so we barked at it. And it hissed and tried to grab me! I was squealing and barking at it. Mom came out. She told Sharanda and her friends we killed something. Then, S’mores tried to eat it. He is a brave big Brudder! I was scared, so I didn’t do anything. When S’mores tried to sleep, it woke up! The possum did! It must have been playing possum with us. When Sharanda would turn on the light, it would stare at her. S’mores barked at it, and it sat there. But luckily, it escaped. I am glad!

July 9, 2006

S’mores-Today was ok. Sharanda did not get to come see us this morning because she woke up too late and had to go to church. Then they ate out. After that, Sharanda came right out to see us. Smoky and I both came out of the doghouse to greet her. We didn’t jump on her, she is super happy about that. I can’t remember if it was the first time or second time when Sharanda came out, she had noticed we took the thing to cover up these wires off, and chewed up the wires. She called us “Bad boys”! She said something about a sprinkler connected to that. It’s the thing, that would turn on and make water come out to cool us down. That’s all that we did bad today. We had a couple good games of tug of war. It was an awesome day!

Smoky-Today was cool. Sharanda did not come to see us first thing in the morning like usual. The other girl didn’t either. I don’t think she will tomorrow, or the next day, or even next month. At least we have Sharanda and her dad. Well, Sharanda found another mouse today! She said that was 11 dead mice so far. She hates them! I cannot see why. Her mom hates to talk about them! They just don’t understand. At about 1:00 Sharanda came out to see us. I dunno where she went, like Brudder did. He is updated on where she went when she went where. He really does love her. Me too, I knew Mom and the other girl first though. Therefore, I don’t know her as well as Brudder does. Later today, they found out we jacked up the sprinkler system. We ripped off something, and chewed some stuff. I guess we’re “Naughty,” According to Sharanda. Today, S’mores decided to test me, so we had a few play fights. Today was still a good day!

First Day by Smoky 2006

Hi, it’s me, S’mores! In our last story, I told how we got lost in the woods, and the Johnsons were coming over to get us. I think I stopped at the part where we were driving home. Ok, now it is Smoky’s turn to tell the story. Let me get him. Smoky! Your turn to tell the story! Smoky? Smoky are you here? Now you can interrupt! Hi! Ok, great. Go narrarator!
Ok, I suppose S’mores left off where we were driving home, right? Yes he did. Ok. It took them some work to get us into the car. We were not very comfortable yet. Judy was pretty much, crying, and Mommy was watching us go. That was the saddest day of my life. There was a girl who could not take me, so their mom did. The other girl does not ever see me anymore. I forgot who she was. She doesn’t like the outside. I was in her mom's lap and S’mores was in Sharanda's lap. I was kind of excited. S’mores tried to bite them though. It was exciting and scary. No more siblings to pick on me. Only one, but that is better than five! Well, the car stopped after a while and they let us go in the snow to pee. When we did get to their house, we lived in the garage for about a month. We would run around free outside without a fence, and it rocked! Then people kept coming to there house. To see US! We were obviously VERY cute! Well, S’mores got to talk the longest. Ha ha! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr…… Now we have a fence, a doghouse, a nice leash, a metal pin to sometimes lock us up in, a big feeder and big water thing, and a nice forest to pee and poop in. It reminds me of the night we got lost in the woods. Moreover, Mommy, and Judy, and my siblings. I do not really remember them, that’s good so I’m not that sad. Now I am a strong well-trained puppy who might go into pro dog training! WHAT! Nobody ever told me anything! I’m gonna….. Well that is the story gotta go. S’mores! No don’t……….!!!!!!!!!!!

First Day by S'mores 2006

Hi, I’m S’mores. And I’m Smoky. S’mores is my brother. This is my part of the story of how we became part of the Evans family. One night, in February, our real dog mommy told us that this would be our last day together. So did Judy. The woman who owned our mommy and our other four siblings. In addition, that tomorrow they would come to get us. Did she mean take us to the pound? Doggie sit us? I asked her, we didn’t have great connection, though. Smoky and I went to Mommy to see what Judy meant by “Come and get us”. “Ruff Ruff, Woof woof ruff hoooooooowl!” They would take us to their house and keep us! Forever! I still did not get it. Smoky did, ‘cause he’s smart. I didn’t get it though. I cried to Mommy and drank from her until bedtime. I had an idea. I would get Brudder, and we would go in the woods! I can’t remember how, but Smoky and I faked we had to…you know, “wee”. To Mommy. We went outside, and nobody noticed we were gone! I thought at least. It was all snowy, and cold. I have to admit. Me and Smoky love each other. Sure, we fight, we still love each other. Awwwww! Thanks bro! Shut up! Ok. I love you too! Geze laweeze! As I was saying, we cuddled up and fell asleep. When we woke up, I forgot about leaving. Smoky didn’t though. He said “We should go back to say good bye to Mommy and Judy and everyone else. Plus, she would’ve eventually found us.” Yeah. That was fun though. “I agree.” We went home, and Judy was apparently very worried. Because 1.she loved us. And we had to leave that day. So, Judy gave us a bath and said her goodbyes. Then, the Johnsons came. The two daughters thought they had just went there for a business meeting! HA! They thought It was a coincidence that we were there! So their dad told them to pick us up and play with them. They still didn’t get it! I was hoping they never would. Then he told them they would take us home. We got in the car, and drove home. TO BE CONTINUED…