Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28, 2009

Hi! Ok well we haven't talked since EASTER!!! Well it's very nice outside today. Yesterday was VERY rainy though! And Sharanda has had dance competition all weekend, so no walks those days. She told us about summer though. No school, no teachers, no work, and no dance. Just swimming, whatever Worlds Of Fun is, and walking us! It sounds like paradise, and we can't wait. May 22, is when that shall start. Have fun with your summer!
RUFF! Hmm I might not be able to type right today...wanna know why? YEAH YOU GUESSED IT! Loser here got in a fight with me and my scab on my head is bleeding! Urg! I'll try my best I guess. Well I can't wait for summer! Sharanda said that everyday will be like today....(minus the fighting hopefully,) and that we will get walked all the time. Good! It's time for no busyness!

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