Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28, 2009

Hi! Ok well we haven't talked since EASTER!!! Well it's very nice outside today. Yesterday was VERY rainy though! And Sharanda has had dance competition all weekend, so no walks those days. She told us about summer though. No school, no teachers, no work, and no dance. Just swimming, whatever Worlds Of Fun is, and walking us! It sounds like paradise, and we can't wait. May 22, is when that shall start. Have fun with your summer!
RUFF! Hmm I might not be able to type right today...wanna know why? YEAH YOU GUESSED IT! Loser here got in a fight with me and my scab on my head is bleeding! Urg! I'll try my best I guess. Well I can't wait for summer! Sharanda said that everyday will be like today....(minus the fighting hopefully,) and that we will get walked all the time. Good! It's time for no busyness!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 12, 2009: EASTER

Hey humans! How goes it? Well we are sorry we haven't been posting as much, for our 1 follower. We just recently checked your comment, (yes, Sharanda taught us how to use the mouse without trying to kill it now...) about some dog movie! Well Sharanda has told us to answer to you, Kate. No, she has not seen Marley and Me. She does not intend to, either. Unless, she watches the beginning and turns it off. She hears something about how................they put poor old Marley...to...sleep! A dogs worst nightmare. Well Sharanda HATES to see things like that happen, she is a dog lover! She says she would cry and it would be too sad to watch! We will give you an update if she watches that. Now, Smoky will tell you people what has been going on in our life!

Hello! Well I'm sure my loser of a brother told you about the dog movie/comment thing. We are currently not barking to each other, on account of while Sharanda mowed the lawn yesterday and I waited by the fence to watch her lovingly, he tried to pick a fight with me. Anyway, with our current life. We got walks all week, except today. She told us something about looking for eggs...and it's one of those rainy pooy days again. I hope it turns sunny soon! We have been told lately that we are very good for the camera! Sharanda holds the camera in front of her and me, and as soon as I hear a "snap" sound, she looks at the picture and laughs, and I get a treat. HAH! I love cameras. And treats. No new tricks, but loser has learned how to "come" lately. Ha, I can already do that. Well, here's some pictures that Sharanda says are so cute.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 2, 2009

Well life is GOOOOOOOOOOOOD! We get walks on the good days, which we can sense will be coming a lot more often. And Sharanda got something called a....we're not so sure. Ticket? For the three boys with the uncomfortable-looking pants. July 29th we hear. Sprint Center. Well we don't care! We will only care if she gets to meet them! Apperently they are famous. Very. And.......we have a follower! A person is following our blog! WOOOOOOOOO! Go......what's his name? Oh my bad....her. KATE! AH YES! GO KATE GO! Thank you for choosing our blog!