Monday, May 25, 2009


Hello! We are very excited! Yesterday, we found an animal! We kept hearing our humans say, "groundhog?" So we figured it was that. Well we were playing tug-of-war with it, it was the best toy ever. But....Sharanda started screaming and her dad put us in the pin! They let it start breathing again....probably to let it think it had a chance to live...I don't know. We stayed there for a while, and everyone yelled again. Sharanda would cheer it on when it walked, then the family would get mad. "I DON'T WANT IT DYING UNDER THE HOUSE!" I heard. Then the dad came and let us back out, Sharanda wasn't watching. Our own mother didn't watch us with a great kill. Oh well, it was awesome! Here's a picture of it living.

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