Monday, May 25, 2009


Hello! We are very excited! Yesterday, we found an animal! We kept hearing our humans say, "groundhog?" So we figured it was that. Well we were playing tug-of-war with it, it was the best toy ever. But....Sharanda started screaming and her dad put us in the pin! They let it start breathing again....probably to let it think it had a chance to live...I don't know. We stayed there for a while, and everyone yelled again. Sharanda would cheer it on when it walked, then the family would get mad. "I DON'T WANT IT DYING UNDER THE HOUSE!" I heard. Then the dad came and let us back out, Sharanda wasn't watching. Our own mother didn't watch us with a great kill. Oh well, it was awesome! Here's a picture of it living.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Good day

Hey! Today was fun. We got walks, and it feels nice outside. At the moment, I am in the pin while Sharanda's dad is mowing, and Smoky won't shut up. I keep drinking water. Ahhh days.
Today is sooooooo cool! Well Sharanda mentioned agility training. It will be fun, though it sounds like a lot of work. She said she bought me an official Kennel Club dog training thing where I jump over poles! cool!

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 15, 2009

Hi! Well today is HORRIBLE! Sharanda said she'll walk us everyday during summer.....she keeps saying that....I sure hope it's coming soon! Well it's just dumb! I was pretty sure, well we were both pretty sure that it was still the afternoon, but it got really dark! Then it started pouring rain out of nowhere! This is not fun. Sitting in here, with just Smoky and a computer? Ugh! Wait what??? That was supposed to be a picture of me. Oh my gawsh!
Hi! Well today is not so great. Sharanda said summer is next week! YESHHHHHH! That means walks everyday and.....drum roll please.....PARADISE! We are STOKED! (ha that's a new word.) But unfourtantly, it got really dark when it was only like 1 in the afternoon! This stinks! Literally! It has been pouring rain all day, and it smells like stupid stray dog. Wait...Sharanda told us to not think that way about that dog. Ok sorry. What the...what did S'mores do? Who the heck is that? Oh. Harry Potter, and the one dude must be that "soooo hot" Rob Pattison we hear about from some movie. Vampires. They kill animals. No. Not cool.